How the Media creates Body Issues

Each second our brain receives millions of single impressions. After receiving 40 of them consciously, the rest is being processed unconsciously, as it would otherwise be completely overwhelmed. Being stored in the unconscious mind, this information suddenly comes up when we need it. These are the moments where you wonder how you could possibly know…

Naked Censorship

Social media platforms apply very strict rules on nudity. In the media in general, the female body still tends to be sexualised. A female nipple is seen as obscene, whereas a male one is considered a body part, without any sexual associations to it. But when you really think about it, what is the difference…

Intro 2 Yoga Course

The 6-week Intro 2 Yoga course is coming again soon!  The course will run from 6 of January to 10 February 2020, every Monday from 8pm to 9.30pm. BOOK NOW In this programme, we will learn the essentials and fundamentals of yoga practice. So if you have never done yoga before but really want to…