Women & Men of all shapes, sizes, colours, ages and physical abilities are welcome to attend, whether you are new to yoga or a long time yogi – you are welcome!
All you need is yourself, a bottle of water and a towel, mats are provided but places are limited.
The studio is equipped with infrared heaters so you will experience the pleasant feeling of warmth all over your body.
[thrive_2step id=’300′][su_button url=”#” background=”#a1eee9″ color=”#666666″ size=”11″ center=”yes” radius=”5″ icon_color=”#666666″]Book Your Co-Ed Naked Group Class[/su_button][/thrive_2step]
Why you should practice naked.
While our society often equates being naked with sex, other cultures have found that being naked removes many social and economic barriers. It is also very freeing to move the body without the restriction of clothing, and yoga provides a great way to deepen body acceptance. Also, being naked can bring up many of our vulnerabilities. By facing these fears in the context of a safe and supportive community we naturally become more grounded and comfortable with ourselves.
At only 5 minutes walking from Clapham North Station, the exact address will be given only after your booking is confirmed.
Hurry up, spaces are limited!